the Bottom Line Design Awards

第一届年度Bottom Line Design Awards,由frogdesignBusiness 2.0共同举办。
the Bottom Line Design Awards,the first industrial design awards honoring products not just for their beauty but also for their commercial success.(美貌和内涵)———-frogdesign上的介绍。
Good design is nice to look at, but great design exhibits beauty that’s more than skin-deep—it integrates form, function, and market need. The best place to see the latter, of course, is the bottom line, which is why we created the first industrial design awards to honor products not just for their beauty but also for their commercial success.

In conjunction with the venerable Silicon Valley strategic design firm frog design, Business 2.0 assembled a panel of nine expert judges—from industries as diverse as advertising, fashion, and technology—who were asked to consider everything from a product’s success in the marketplace to its impact on a corporate culture. And, of course, how nice it was to look at. Here are their picks for the year’s best-designed products.

GRAND PRIZE:Livestrong Wristband

一美元的黄色橡胶镯子,在这种情况下,朴素的设计是和消费者建立情感联系的全部。当Lance Armstrong Foundation推出这个慈善腕带(100%的收入用于组织的癌症工程),和Nike成立了伙伴关系,Nike捐赠了100万美元用于开始的500万个镯子的生产,品牌名是Armstrong自己的回忆,这个产品立即赢得了消费者。Peddled online 和Niketown 以及Discovery Channel stores,售出了10, 100折叠装,购买者可以在他的朋友中传递,从而起到广告作用,这个镯子在夏天推出,在环法赛和奥运会之前,他们确信将会在很多著名的运动员的手腕上发现这个镯子。这个产品还启发了其他疾病的公益组织。judge Arnie Freeman说:“这是在最近10年人们挑战疾病最成功的活动,或许多于10年,成为一种文化现象将带来成千上万的资金和广告,这个可爱简单的设计达到了”。
BOTTOM LINE:从去年5月份推出以来,3千3百万的镯子售出,超过了目标的500万。

PERSONAL COMPUTER:Apple Flat-Panel iMac G5

30岁以下的美国人当中,每5各里面就有一个有便携的MP3播放器,这得感谢iPod的成功。但是96%的计算机用户还是在使用 不满足于ipod的成功,推出了一个看上去更宽的但仍让观众怀疑的产品。并在市场上直接宣传flat-panel iMac G5是“from the creators of iPod”,抓住了这个coool的因素。这个已经被MoMA永久收藏。apple将high style作为公司的核心价值,而不是灯具和椅子的专利。apple用强化作为改革,艺术上简单和高技术更让人接受。
BOTTOM LINE:在推出的第一季度,G5 卖了337,000,是iMac的两倍,给iMac家族带来了147个百分点的收入增长点

ENVIRONMENTS:Virgin Atlantic Upper-Class Cabin

谁说飞机旅行没有一点乐趣?随着新的头等舱的推出,Virgin Atlantic 不仅重新考虑了飞机的内饰,同时也变换了飞行经验。在2003年末开始,公司在更新头等舱上化了1.31亿美元,整加了一些比如能够展开成床皮革的座位,in-flight manicures(飞行途中修剪指甲?),和到机场的一辆高级免费轿车。消费者为高级商务人员, $7,500 国际航行的价格。座椅可以分开并你可以在舱内的酒吧自由交际。“他们通过整个经验思考,完整无误的交给苛刻的Virgin”(judge Jeffrey Jones)。此外,聪明的营销使得在旅途中看到adult movie。
BOTTOM LINE:头等舱的收入增加了30%, Virgin Atlantic’s U.S.增加了35%的销售量

HOUSEHOLD GOODS:Fiskars Posthole Digger

为突入长柄的庭院工具市场,这家以他那橙色手柄剪刀闻名的公司决定重新作一款被忽略了50年的设计。使用者对传统挖掘工具的共同抱怨–老是要让你的指关节相撞。Fiskars就以此创造了一个简单,光滑的工具。弯曲的,人体工程的夹子(和橙色把柄, 当然),开掘更深, 更加狭窄的孔。产品一上市,立即热销。Judge Nanette Bisher asks“你怎么不会喜欢上这个设计巧妙和具有品牌烙印的工具,让你马上就想g a posthole?
BOTTOM LINE:10个月,3500万美元25%的市场,

MEDIA:Pixar’s The Incredibles


BOTTOM LINE: he Incredibles, which cost about $100 million to make, was the fourth-highest-grossing movie of last year, raking in $256.7 million.


提前日程表一个月开放使用,Millau Viaduct得到了世界的赞许目光,认为是桥梁工程史上重要的一步,以及是建成中最惊人的一座桥,减小了巴黎和巴塞罗那之间的交通堵塞,1.6 英哩桥梁–世界上最高,比 Eiffel Tower还高。
BOTTOM LINE:5.5亿美元的造价(预算内),10年的通行费


Razr 证明, 形式和功能在高端手机技术的神秘世界中不是互相排斥的。
BOTTOM LINE:has sold nearly 1 million of the $500 Razrs since their launch in early November.

They’ve improved on previous versions of an existing product or have used design and benefited from it (sales increased, etc.), though they missed some key opportunities. We honor these products and companies anyway because we think they’re on to greater things

FASHION:Tumi Flow Collection

高端行李品制造商Tumi以一个新的价格面向年轻的消费群体,各种投年轻人所好的设计,季节性的颜色选择,耳机插空,便携retro 织品等,如其他时尚品牌,在设计师服装精品店附近可以看到。
BOTTOM LINE:70,000的销量,3倍于预期


BOTTOM LINE:到2004年12月,54%用户来自hotmail,33%来自yahoo


BOTTOM LINE:第一季度,收回研发成本的77%

HOUSEHOLD GOODS:Oxo Good Grips Mandoline

Branching out from its popular line of handheld kitchen tools, Oxo created a $70 mandoline that’s an improvement over lowerend slicers but more affordable than intimidating top-ofthe-line versions that cost upwards of $100. But while the product is one of Oxo’s most expensive offering, its plastic construction still feels a bit cheap.
BOTTOM LINE: Within its first five months on the market, the mandoline became the biggest Oxo earner in terms of revenue and one of the top 10 items in unit sales.

MOBILE DEVICES:Sony Playstation Portable

Though the PSP is poised to become the breakthrough hybrid handheld of 2005—with games, movies, music, and Wi-Fi—Sony was smart to position the device primarily as a gaming platform. But its sleek, intuitive design could be dampened by the fact that it plays movies and games only on two of Sony’s proprietary storage formats, the Memory Stick and the Universal Media Disc.
BOTTOM LINE: With more than 800,000 units already shipped in Japan, Sony expects to ship an additional 3 million PSPs worldwide by the end of March.

FURNITURE:Allsteel Sum Chair

As Allsteel works to reposition itself as a style-minded furniture maker, its Sum chair competes head-on with Herman Miller. The $800 seat is simple and stylish—with several hip upholstery patterns to choose from—but unfortunately compromises some comfort and features compared with rivals.
BOTTOM LINE: Backed by millions in R&D, the Sum already exceeded sales forecasts by more than 12 percent between June and December.
