designboom采访ora ito

对于年轻设计师来说,成名也许成为表示成功的第一阶段,很多优秀的年轻设计师都为此在默默的努力,默默的遵循着“功到自然成”的物理规律。然而 ito morabito这位法国设计师给了他们重重的一拳,同时也让我们这些毛头小孩有些欣喜若狂,白日做梦般的规划着自己的成名之路。
关于ora ito
我想很多人都很熟悉了,包括中国的媒体,只要在搜索引擎上点一下“约有16,300项符合ora ito的查询结果- google”,这次designboom采访了这位设计师,应该也是年轻的一位吧。所以在此也不详细介绍他的生平,只不过这次看到他是出生于设计之家。
any advice for the young?
I think the advice I would give is don’t complain about yourself, so many people say ‘oh I don’t have money, I am not famous, oh I don’t have this and I don’t have this.’like what nike says- ‘just do it’.make it exist, if it is nice it will be recognised and people will help you to make it.just do it, make it, even if just on paper, at least it exists…. and also, be a communicator, our generation is a communication generation.use technology – we have the internet, we can travel, we have mobile phones. we can distribute ideas all over the world.I would not say 50, but 30% (of the job) is communication. at first I thought I am losing my time talking to journalists, but in an interview you can explain your designs…and I realise that it is part of the job’s process.


为sagem设计的手机,这个也是中国媒体开始报道这位“设计大师”的起点,并在手机的侧面和内置墙纸上打上ora ito牌子。就设计而言,也可以形容为just so,不像很大师级的作品,但是造型还是其他方面还是很贴切年轻消费者的审美观念的,也证明他不是像其他行业只要能炒作就可以了的。


‘ogo’ bottle。

不管怎样,ora ito还是为年轻人树立了榜样,’just do it’!
在这次milan design week上,ora ito也在milan做了可能是他的第一个重大展览吧。