
woofer cultivate
这个woofer看到已经不是三次四次了,今天在reluct的荷兰设计周图片展上再次看到,发现对它的感觉有些变化。woofer来自C U L T I V A T E(我们前面介绍过C U L T I V A T E一款非常精彩的灯Marie-Louise),由Sander Mulder,Dave Keune和Buro Vormkrijgers设计,woofer有些古怪,表达也很直白,而且外形也许会带来一点不适,很容易让人觉得是哗众取宠,但不断在是/否权衡取舍之间会发现一些新的感觉,比那些哗众取宠或完全仿形的产品有再进一步的结果。他们的介绍:

This is functional kitsch; the wrong becomes the new right. By adding a function to an otherwise grotesque object, it acquires new aesthetic values, becoming an object of desire. Pun intended, this woofer holds the mids between an addition to your sound system and your loyal 4 footed companion.