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Bruce Mau:成长不完全宣言
An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth,Bruce Mau写于1998年.(via:Brand Autopsy),摘抄简译如下: 1. Allow events to change you. You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them. 让事件来改变你.你必须渴望成长,它区别于其他撞上门的东西.你创造它,你激活它.成长的必备条件:坦率地去经历,渴望被它们改变. 2. Forget about good. Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agre... 阅读全文 »
Bostitch HurriQuake钉子
这是PopSci’s Best of What’s New 2006中的年度创新大奖产品,来自Bostitch工程师Ed Sutt发明的HurriQuake钉子。在地震或者飓风中,钉子经常会被外力直接拔出,而我们又不太可能控制自然灾害,所以Ed Sutt就从钉子入手,HurriQuake钉子的前端有一圈圈的倒勾(延伸到钉子一半处,因为这一部分是地震中最需要接受考验的),可以抵抗170公里时速的大风。后端有螺旋的叶片装鳍(?),来抵御摆动。HurriQuake钉子比常见钉子大25%左右,但是用它来建一座房子只需... 阅读全文 »
Pronto condoms
Pronto condoms. It’s one of those products that most would assume to be already perfect, that there is nothing to add or subtract from it – like a thumb tack, rubber band and the paper clip. It’s only when someone comes along with a clever idea and innovation and we suddenly smack ourselves in the forehead going “why didn’t I think of that?”.–摘自Gems Sty
... 阅读全文 »Varioptic液体镜头可供生产
Varioptic的Arctic 320液体镜头现在已经可供生产,Arctic 320采用类似眼球聚焦的方式,通过改变加载在两种液体的电压变化来改变焦距,区别于传统的机械结构。(via:gizmodo)
... 阅读全文 »2005科学与技术界最具创新力的个人与组织奖
10月18号,the World Technology Network (WTN)公布了2005科学与技术界最具创新力的个人与组织奖的入围名单,这个奖项涵盖了20多个领域,从生物工程到娱乐,从社会道德到空间科学等等。当然,也包括设计,入围设计的如下: * Mario Bellini, Bellini Studios * Ross Lovegrove, Lovegrove Studio * Mike and Kathy McCoy, McCoy & McCoy Associates * Bill Moggridge, IDEO * Richard Sapper, Industrial Designer 获得提名或者入围获奖的将成为WTN的会员(the World Technology Awards开始于2000年,每年举办),设... 阅读全文 »
这是精工手表和爱普生联合推出的一款概念性的手表,用的是E-paper做显示屏。 希望E-paper技术能够快速成熟的走向市场,可能对于电子产品将具有划代的革新。
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